Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday Favorites

It's Friday again.  Is it just me, or do the weeks keep going by faster and faster as you get older?

Anyways, here are some of my favorite things this Friday.

You can't really see it in the photo, but this is a sample of Clinique's "Happy" perfume.  It came with my most recent order, and I think I may buy a bottle when this sample runs out.

Sour candy, especially Sweet Tarts, are a favorite of mine.  I've been eating these at work this week.

A beautiful sunset on a perfect spring evening.

And, hearing that a girl that's been coming to my sister's Bible Study became a Christian tonight.  That is my favorite thing of all!

I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance. ~ Luke 15:7

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

What We Have Here, Is Failure to Communicate

Communication.  It really is important.  Unfortunately, it's something my siblings and I don't do very well a lot of the time.

Take, for example, this past Saturday.  My sister and a friend were running a 5k and I had planned on doing it with them.  The 5k was taking place about 40 minutes away from where we live, and my sister was spending the night before the race with her friend who lived 5 minutes away from the 5k location.  The plan was for me to drive up in the morning, run the 5k with them, and then drive home with my sister.

The morning of the 5k I drowsily woke up and decided I didn't want to run the race anymore (this happens for pretty much every 5k I've run, and I'm always glad I ran anyways.  Usually my sister is around to drag me out of bed to go with her.).  My sister had mentioned possibly spending the day with her friend and hadn't confirmed whether she was coming home after the race or not.  For some reason, I had in my mind that she was staying with her friend for the day and wouldn't need a ride home, so I decided to just stay home that morning.

My sister called me shortly after I went back to sleep to make sure I had left.  I was going to have to go up to pick her up anyways, so I decided I might as well run.  The only problem was that race-day registration closed in about 30 minutes.  I got in the car and drove as fast I could without being dangerous, parked in the parking structure, ran/walked to the event tables and made it to register in time!

I then got back in my car and drove off to pick up my sister and her friend in time for the start of the race.  My sister kept calling to make sure I was on my way, and giving me directions to a place whose location I thought I was sure of.  So after spending about 10 minutes (the race started in about 10 minutes at this point) driving around trying to follow her directions I find out that she and her friend have been at the event for the past 1-1/2 hours and she's trying to give me directions to the race.  So I race back to get parking in the parking structure.

I find parking and my sister and her friend are trying to find me.  I don't find out that she and her friend need to give me their sweatshirts and purses before running the race until now.  I'm on the second level of the parking structure and not sure if it's the A or B section.  I'm trying to get to them to get their stuff and put it in the car in time, but they give up and run off to join the race (carrying their sweatshirts and purses) that is starting in approx. 2 minutes.  I go back to the car to lock it and pin on my number and time chip.  By the time I finish that and get to the starting point the race had already started and everyone was long gone.

I was pretty frustrated and honestly, I'm getting a bit frustrated again writing this.  But it was a lesson in clear communication to my sister and I.  Megan, I'm so sorry you had to run in 70 degree weather wearing your purse and a sweatshirt.  And Priscilla, I'm asking you lots of questions to have everything clear next time :)

My poor timing chip that never got worn.

And if you have no idea where my title comes from you have not watched the movie Cool Hand Luke.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

It's time for another Wednesday Hodgepodge with Joyce from This Side of the Pond.

1. What's the last job you did that required elbow grease?

I scrubbed down the shower a few weeks ago.  Since we have well water, and about 3 - 4 people that use it regularly it definately required elbow grease.

2. March Madness, aka the men's Division I basketball championship, is nearing an end. What sort of 'madness' has your house seen this month?

For some strange reason, this month my room has been in a constant state of disarray.  I can't seem to keep it in order.

3. What's your favorite shop for browsing?

I love browsing Etsy shops for jewelry.  Maddy and Co. is one of my current favorites.

4. Is there ever a time when giving up makes sense?

Yes.  When you're completely late for something it's no use hoping the event is running late, and still trying to make it.  Ask me how I know.

5. What's a song you love that contains the name of a city, state or country in its title?

Hello Seattle by Owl City.

6. When did you first begin using a computer?

1997.  I was ten years old, and my Dad purchased our family's first computer.  A little before that we had one  of the ancient ones that had no mouse and a black screen with only orange text.  I think the new one cost about $1700, which is crazy to think about since you can now get a good one for about $400.  It was mostly for business use, and I remember wondering if we'd ever have one for fun.  Things change a lot in 15 years.

7. Did you buy girl scout cookies this year? What's your favorite?

Sadly, no.  My brother supposedly did, but he hasn't gotten them yet :(  My favorite would have to be the Samoas.  They cannot be beat.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

I've been trying to read more, and this book was an excellent read.  I couldn't put it down and finished it in less than a week.  And, it's a true story.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday Favorites

Friday is here! I hope you all had an awesome week!

Here's a few things I'm loving this Friday.

Passion's new album.  So good!  I think my favorite is Not Ashamed by Kristian Stanfill.

I'm still not completely adjusted to daylight savings time.  And I love this photo I found on Pinterest.

Subway's veggie sandwiches.  So good.

RunKeeper's smart phone app.  It tracks your run distances for you.  Oh, yes, I've run OUTSIDE twice this week.  Felt wonderful.

This post by Kristen.  She asked her friends to be her bridesmaids in such a thoughtful, personal way.

And my favorite Scripture reading from this week:

"This I recall to my mind, Therefore I have hope.  Through the LORD's mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not.  They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.  "The LORD is my portion," says my soul, "Therefore I hope in Him!"  The LORD is good to those who wait for Him, To the soul who seeks Him.  It is good that one should hope and wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD. ~ Lamentations 3:21-26

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Daylight Savings Time

Daylight savings time this year happened to come right when spring summer weather arrived.  It's almost like spring was here for about a week and the weather is now in the high 70's and low 80's.  Not that I'm complaining.  But, now that I think about it, this is spring.  Summer usually has humidity.  And it's not humid here.  Yet.

I love that we have more sunlight in the evenings now.  But, I don't really enjoy this:

It's dark again when I get up.  It is soooo much easier to get up in the morning when the sun is out.  Yes, I know, first world problems.

And, thankfully, I have been exercising consistently, getting ready for a 10k at the end of April.  Last night I ran about 2.25 miles.  It feels great!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Weekend Scenes

I meant to blog this on Monday.  And here it is Wednesday, and my scenes from the weekend are kind of irrelevant.  However, here are my photos from the weekend.

My bed always becomes the place everything is deposited at instead of being put away.  Then at night when I stumble into my room ready to fall into bed, I have a task ahead of me.  So I just move it from this pile to another.  Bad habits die hard, guys.

Sorry for the blurry photo.  I just about finished this scarf.  I started it last January.

New glitter manicure - love it!

Hope you're all having a good week!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wednesday Hodgepodge

I decided to join in with Joyce at This Side of the Pond in her Wednesday Hodgepodge.

1. Did March come in like a lion or was it something less ferocious in your neck of the woods?

The weather on March 1 was pretty nice.  Nice enough that we were surprised when we had a snowstorm the next day, and more snow two days later.

2. Speaking of lions, which one's your film favorite...The Cowardly Lion (Wizard of Oz), Mufasa (The Lion King), Elsa (Born Free) or Alex (Madagascar). You might notice I left Aslan off the list. Including him would have made this question way too easy for many of you.

I saw half of The Wizard of Oz, and turned it off.  I know it's a "classic", but I couldn't watch anymore - it has to be one of the corniest movies I've ever seen (sorry to those of you who love it!).  I saw The Lion King when I was about 5, and haven't seen it again since.  And I haven't seen Born Free or Madagascar.

Does this count as my favorite movie lion?

"Rise & rise again, until lambs become lions."

3. What's your favorite spot from which to view the sunrise or sunset?

Sunrise: The beach
Sunset: The beach

Just put me on the beach and I'll be completely happy.

4. To what extent is knowledge power and to what extent is truth power? What's the difference?

Whoa, deep here :) 

Knowledge is power in that to make informed, wise decisions you need to know about options, effects of your actions, etc.  Actually, they both work together, since you need knowledge of the truth in order to make good decisions and have wisdom.

Something that combines them both: "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." - John 8:32

5. What's something peculiar you've seen recently?

Hmm, nothing is coming to mind right now.  Other than the middle-aged woman booking it down the sidewalk in her wheel chair smoking a cigarette.

6. Bottled water...your thoughts?

I like it, especially in contrast to the well water at my work which is full of sulphur.  Completely safe to drink and if it's cold, is actually drinkable.  And if you've never smelled warm, sulphur-rich well grateful.

7. What's your strongest sense?

Fear.  Oh, you meant the five senses?  Not sure, definately not hearing.  I'm always asking people to repeat themselves.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

The original Get Smart series is the best.  Incredibly stupid and hilarious at times.  Still the best.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I hope you all are having a good week so far.  It was 70 degrees here in Iowa today and sunny, so I really can't complain :)

I really love making things.  If you've read any of my other (few) posts, you'll know I love to bake.  I also like to cook, sew, crochet and knit.  I know, so, so, old?

Not unless almost-25 is old,  which I sometimes feel it is :)

Anyways, knitting is the craft I am able to do most, for the main reason that it is very portable.  I would probably sew a bit more than I do now, but taking a sewing machine everywhere with me could get a bit awkward.

I have a habit of starting projects and not finishing them.  Case-in-point:

I started this quilt four years ago, and have worked on it on-and-off since then.  It's still not finished.

I started this skirt four years ago as well, and have actually worked on it recently.  Then I got to the zipper.  And, oh, zippers scare me.  I know, it's ridiculous, I let some plastic teeth scare me.  I'm hoping to conquer my fear soon.  What can I say, every weekend for the last month I've told myself to conquer this fear, and it hasn't happened.  So all I can do is say that I'll do it soon.

After that's done I hope to make this:


Somehow, I can actually finish knitting projects.  Here's what I'm working on right now:

Squares for a blanket inspired by the Log Cabin quilting pattern.

A scarf, in purples.

A sweater in bulky yarn.  Yes, more purple.

Some socks.

And, to be honest, I'm consistently working on the scarf and blanket right now, and the other two have kinda been pushed back.  But they will get done, don't worry.

Hope you all have a Super Tuesday!  Yes, I know, cheesy pun.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Weekend Photos

Welcome back from the weekend folks!  I hope you had a better-than-usual Monday. 

Mondays are usually pretty good for me, I have a great job that I'm very thankful for (I get to work with all my immediate family, as I have been for the last 7 years...and we all still like each other!) and today was sunny.  I'm talking bright, blaring sun, which was very welcome after the unexpected snow we had yesterday. 

So, yes, photos. 

I painted my nails with another new Essie polish, "Orange, It's Obvious" - another new favorite.

I also used a new-to-me topcoat, Seche Vite.  It's a wee bit pricey, but worth every.single.penny.

I got on the treadmill, ran 2.5 miles (for the first time a while), and walked another couple of miles.  While I walked, I finished another square for my blanket.

On Sunday, I made granola.  I want to blog the recipe, but I got it from a friend, and want to get her permission first.  It's a very good recipie, I can assure you, since it was approved by my Dad.  And it's no small thing for my Dad to tell me that granola actually tasted good :)

On Sunday, while i was making granola, it was snowing.  This was very unexpected, since we have had barely any snow all winter, and it had already snowed on Friday.  The good thing about snow this late in the season, though, is that it does melt quickly.

So there were a few things from my weekend.  I didn't get all the things I hoped to do done, but that's ok.  I think I'll keep enjoying low-key, low-pressure weekends for as long as I can - I probably won't have that luxury forever!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday Favorites

Friday's here, and next comes the weekend!  I have a habit of planning a ton of things to accomplish, and usually end up actually doing one or two of those things.  So here's to a productive, yet, relaxing, weekend :)

And, just because, here's some of my favorite things from this past week.

 - I'm loving a new-to-me blog, Sweetapolita.  This girl makes so many beautiful cakes and other treats, and her entire blog is eye candy.  I think I'm going to attempt her Strawberry Cake this weekend.

 - I'm loving this post by Kristen, a Maryland-based photographer, about her recent engagement.  I've been reading her blog for several years, and this has to be one of the sweetest engagement stories ever!

 - I'm loving the fact that spring keeps trying to come through, despite the snow we're getting today.  Spring colors are my fave!

 - I'm loving this OPI Moisturing Cream.  My hands were so dry and the skin on my knuckles was cracking (gross, I know) like it does every winter, but they've healed so well now after putting a ton of this stuff on for the last couple of days.

 - I'm loving the verses in my Bible reading this week, especially these two:

    The LORD has appeared to me of old, saying: "Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn You." ~ Jeremiah 31:3

    "Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh.  Is there anything too hard for Me?" ~ Jeremiah 32:37

I hope you all have a wonderful Friday!