I hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. Mine included breakfast with a friend, a baseball game, relaxing and a surprise birthday party. And of course, the good thing about the week after a 3-day weekend is that the weekend comes that much faster :)
Got these lights up. I like them a lot, and they're my first purchase in my new room decorations. They're from Hobby Lobby.
Late night grocery shopping with the bro. He's actually quite fun to grocery shop with - he always manages to find some new treats to try.
Having fun wearing spring colors.
I have not shopped for fabric for so long. I had some free time on Saturday and purchased some fabrics to make some new bedding for my room.
Went to our local minor-league baseball team's game. It was quite humid that night, but the game was fun.
Had a little time to relax and knit while watching Netflix.
Finally got this button sewn on. The original button literally broke into several pieces.
An account rep brought these into the office Tuesday. I was (thankfully) able to restrain myself and only had one :)
I went to the dentist yesterday, and had to take a 45 min detour on my way back to work because of an accident on the interstate. So thankful for God's safety to me on the road - I've had some close calls!
Tomorrow's Friday - woohoo! I'm going to a wedding on Saturday, first one this year, can't wait!