Monday, June 20, 2011

An Introduction

Well, here we go, I've decided to try out blogging.  Here's a few things about me:

 - I worship Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour.
 - I live in the USA in the state of Iowa.
 - I'm the oldest of six children.
 - I'm Armenian.
 - I love reading blogs and decided to try starting one of my own.
 - I'm 24, and just started online college courses in January of this year after working full time since graduating high school.  I'm still working full time, and while school + work gets a bit overwhelming sometimes, it's great!
 - I love to knit, sew, bake and cook.  I hardly ever do anymore, though.  Life has gotten busier than ever, and I'm loving it!


Ashley said...

Welcome to the blogging world, but beware- it is addicting! :)

Kristen Thornburg said...

Hmm... want to teach me how to sew?? haha
Welcome to blogging!!!! It's fun! :)